QGroundControl Usability Test Report
This report is about the findings from the Usability Test done for QGroundControl by Intel UX Design team. The main purpose was to observe final users dealing with QGroundControl interface to address gaps and opportunities from a more realistic point of view improving the overall usability.
After thorough preparation of test scripts (described in the section Methodology), we have decided to test the product with a group of 10 users, distributed between newcomers and experts.
On late March, 2016 we’ve invited users and during the private sessions, we’ve recorded their interaction with the product while they were performing typical tasks. Usability test analysis showed that the interface could give more guidance and feedback about the tasks being performed. Although the users could realize the drone was connected to the interface, most of them couldn’t affirm it was ready to fly. Besides, most of them couldn't feel confident enough on completing the proposed tasks without any sort of guidance. The users were asked to score each task between 1 and 5. None received the maximum score (5) and the most difficult task was the mission planning.

Tasks score according to users evaluation
The following document details the way we’ve conducted the research, describes the results, and lists the recommendations to change.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact:
- Beatriz Palmeiro ([email protected])
- Carlos Felipe “Juca” ([email protected])
- Fabrício Novak ([email protected])
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://github.com/Dronecode/UX-Design.
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